Source code for vk.session

import getpass
import logging
import urllib
from json import loads
from re import search

import requests

from .api import APINamespace
from .exceptions import ErrorCodes, VkAPIError, VkAuthError
from .utils import stringify

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class APIBase:
    METHOD_COMMON_PARAMS = {'v', 'lang', 'https', 'test_mode'}

    API_URL = ''

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        method_common_params = {
            key: kwargs.pop(key)
            for key in tuple(kwargs) if key in cls.METHOD_COMMON_PARAMS

        api = object.__new__(cls)
        api.__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        return APINamespace(api, method_common_params)

    def __init__(self, timeout=10, proxy=None):
        self.timeout = timeout

        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.session.proxies = {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}
        self.session.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        self.session.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    def send(self, request):

        logger.debug('Prepare API Method request')


        method_url = self.API_URL + request.method
        response =, request.method_params, timeout=self.timeout)

        # todo Replace with something less exceptional

        response_or_error = loads(response.text)
        request.response = response_or_error

        if 'response' in response_or_error:

            for error_data in response_or_error.get('execute_errors', ()):
                api_error = VkAPIError(error_data)
                logger.warning('Execute "%s" error: %s', api_error.method, api_error)

            return response_or_error['response']

        elif 'error' in response_or_error:
            request.api_error = VkAPIError(request.response['error'])
            return self.handle_api_error(request)

    def prepare_request(self, request):  # noqa: U100

    def handle_api_error(self, request):
        logger.error('Handle API error: %s', request.api_error)

        api_error_handler_name = 'on_api_error_' + str(request.api_error.code)
        api_error_handler = getattr(self, api_error_handler_name, self.on_api_error)

        return api_error_handler(request)

[docs] def on_api_error(self, request): """Default API error handler that handles all errros and raises them. You can add a handler for a specific error by redefining it in your class and appending the error code to the method name. In this case, the redefined method will be called instead of :meth:`on_api_error`. The :exc:`vk.exceptions.VkAPIError` object can be obtained via ``request.api_error`` Args: request (vk.api.APIRequest): API request object Example: .. code-block:: python import vk class API(vk.APIBase): def on_api_error_1(self, request): print('An unknown error has occurred :(') api = API() """ raise request.api_error
[docs]class API(APIBase): """The simplest VK API implementation. Can process `any API method <>`__ that can be called from the server Args: access_token (Optional[str]): Access token for API requests obtained by any means (see :ref:`documentation <Getting access>`). Optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` **kwargs (any): Additional parameters, which will be passed to each request. The most useful is `v` - API version and `lang` - language of responses (see :ref:`documentation <Making API request>`) Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import vk >>> api = vk.API(access_token='...', v='5.131') >>> print(api.users.get(user_ids=1)) [{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров', ... }] """ def __init__(self, access_token=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.access_token = access_token
[docs] def get_captcha_key(self, api_error): """Callback to retrieve CAPTCHA key. Default behavior is to raise exception, redefine in a subclass Args: api_error (vk.exceptions.VkAPIError): Captcha error that occurred Returns: Captcha solution (a short string consisting of lowercase letters and numbers) """ raise api_error
[docs] def on_api_error_14(self, request): """Captcha error handler. Retrieves captcha via :meth:`API.get_captcha_key` and resends request """ request.method_params['captcha_key'] = self.get_captcha_key(request.api_error) request.method_params['captcha_sid'] = request.api_error.captcha_sid return self.send(request)
def prepare_request(self, request): request.method_params.setdefault('access_token', self.access_token)
[docs]class UserAPI(API): """Subclass of :class:`vk.session.API`. It differs only in that it can get access token using user credentials (`Implicit flow authorization <>`__). Warning: This implementation uses the web version of VK to log in and receive cookies, and then obtains an access token through Implicit flow authorization. In the future, VK may change the approach to authorization (for example, replace it with `VK ID <>`__) and maintaining operability will become quite a difficult task, and most likely it will be **deprecated**. Use :class:`vk.session.DirectUserAPI` instead Args: user_login (Optional[str]): User login, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` user_password (Optional[str]): User password, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` client_id (Optional[int]): ID of the application to authorize with, defaults to "VK Admin" app ID scope (Optional[Union[str, int]]): Access rights you need. Can be passed comma-separated list of scopes, or bitmask sum all of them (see `official documentation <>`__). Defaults to 'offline' **kwargs (any): Additional parameters, which will be passed to each request. The most useful is `v` - API version and `lang` - language of responses (see :ref:`documentation <Making API request>`) Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import vk >>> api = vk.UserAPI( ... user_login='...', ... user_password='...', ... scope='offline,wall', ... v='5.131' ... ) >>> print(api.users.get(user_ids=1)) [{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров', ... }] """ LOGIN_URL = '' AUTHORIZE_URL = '' def __init__(self, user_login=None, user_password=None, client_id=6121396, scope='offline', **kwargs): self.user_login = user_login self.user_password = user_password self.client_id = client_id self.scope = scope super().__init__(self.get_access_token(), **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_form_action(response): form_action = search(r'<form[^>]* action="([^\"]+)"', response.text) if form_action: return raise VkAuthError(f'No form on page {response.url}') @staticmethod def _get_input_value(response, name): input_value = search(rf'<input type="hidden" name="{name}" value="([^\"]+)"', response.text) if input_value: return raise VkAuthError(f'No input with name `{name}` on page {response.url}') @staticmethod def _get_captcha_src(response): captcha_src = search(r'<img[^>]* src="(https://(m|api)[^\"]+)"', response.text) if captcha_src: return raise VkAuthError(f'No CAPTCHA on page {response.url}') @staticmethod def _get_url_queries(url): parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) # We lose repeating keys values return dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(parsed_url.fragment or parsed_url.query)) @staticmethod def _oauth_is_request_success(response): if not response.ok: if response.status_code == 401: description = response.json()['error_description'] logger.error('OAuth authorization failed: %s', description) raise VkAuthError(description) response.raise_for_status() def get_access_token(self): auth_session = requests.Session() auth_session.headers['Origin'] = '' if self.login(auth_session): return self.authorize(auth_session) def get_login_form_data(self, response): return { 'ip_h': self._get_input_value(response, 'ip_h'), 'lg_domain_h': self._get_input_value(response, 'lg_domain_h'), 'to': self._get_input_value(response, 'to'), 'email': self.user_login, 'pass': self.user_password, } def login(self, auth_session, login_response=None): if not login_response: logger.debug('Start of the login process') # Get login page login_page_response = auth_session.get(self.AUTHORIZE_URL, params=self.get_auth_params()) # Check if params for OAuth is enough self._oauth_is_request_success(login_page_response) # Get login form action login_action = self._get_form_action(login_page_response) # Login using user credentials login_response =, self.get_login_form_data(login_page_response)) if 'remixsid' in auth_session.cookies or 'remixsid6' in auth_session.cookies: logger.debug('Successfully logged in') return True url_queries = self._get_url_queries(login_response.url) if 'sid' in url_queries: logger.debug('Auth captcha is needed') return self.auth_captcha_is_needed(auth_session, login_response) if url_queries.get('act') == 'authcheck': logger.debug('Auth check is needed') return self.auth_check_is_needed(auth_session, login_response) if 'security_check' in url_queries: logger.debug('Phone number is needed') return self.phone_number_is_needed(auth_session, login_response) logger.error('Unknown login error. Last URL: %s.', login_response.url) raise VkAuthError('Login error (e.g. incorrect password)') def _get_auth_captcha_data(self, response): # Return captcha data return ( self._get_input_value(response, 'captcha_sid'), # captcha_sid self._get_captcha_src(response) # captcha_img ) def _get_auth_captcha_error(self, captcha_sid, captcha_img): # Create a bogus error error_data = { 'error_code': ErrorCodes.CAPTCHA_NEEDED, 'error_msg': 'Captcha error occured during authorization', 'captcha_sid': captcha_sid, 'captcha_img': captcha_img } error = VkAPIError(error_data) return error def auth_captcha_is_needed(self, auth_session, response): # Get login form action login_action = self._get_form_action(response) captcha_error = self._get_auth_captcha_error(*self._get_auth_captcha_data(response)) # Login again using user credentials and solved captcha login_form_data = { **self.get_login_form_data(response), 'captcha_sid': captcha_error.captcha_sid, 'captcha_key': self.get_captcha_key(captcha_error) } login_response =, login_form_data) # Re-login with solved captcha return self.login(auth_session, login_response)
[docs] def get_auth_check_code(self): """Callback to retrieve authentication check code (if account supports 2FA). Default behavior is to raise exception, redefine in a subclass Returns: The authentication check code can be obtained in the sent SMS, using Google Authenticator (or another authenticator), or it can be one of ten backup codes """ raise NotImplementedError
def auth_check_is_needed(self, auth_session, response): auth_check_action = self.LOGIN_URL + self._get_form_action(response) login_response =, {'code': self.get_auth_check_code()}) # Re-login with auth check code return self.login(auth_session, login_response) def phone_number_is_needed(self, auth_session, response): # noqa: U100 raise NotImplementedError def get_auth_params(self): return { 'client_id': self.client_id, 'scope': self.scope, 'display': 'mobile', 'response_type': 'token', } def authorize(self, auth_session): logger.debug('Start of the OAuth authorization process') # Ask access ask_access_response =, self.get_auth_params()) self._oauth_is_request_success(ask_access_response) url_queries = self._get_url_queries(ask_access_response.url) if 'authorize_url' not in url_queries: logger.debug('Grant access to app') # Grant access grant_access_action = self._get_form_action(ask_access_response) grant_access_response = url_queries = self._get_url_queries(grant_access_response.url) url_queries = self._get_url_queries(urllib.parse.unquote(url_queries['authorize_url'])) self.expires_in = url_queries.get('expires_in') self.user_id = url_queries.get('user_id') for key in url_queries: if key.startswith('access_token'): logger.debug('Successfully authorized') return self._process_auth_url_queries(url_queries) logger.error('Unknown OAuth authorization error. URL queries = %s.', url_queries) raise VkAuthError('OAuth authorization failed') def _process_auth_url_queries(self, url_queries): self.expires_in = url_queries.get('expires_in') self.user_id = url_queries.get('user_id') return url_queries['access_token']
[docs]class DirectUserAPI(UserAPI): """Subclass of :class:`vk.session.UserAPI`. Can get access token using user credentials (through `Direct authorization <>`__). See also: `Necessary data <>`__ (**client_id** and **client_secret**) from other official applications Args: user_login (Optional[str]): User login, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` user_password (Optional[str]): User password, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` client_id (Optional[int]): ID of the official application, defaults to *"VK for Android"* app ID client_secret (Optional[str]): Client secret of the official application, defaults to client secret of *"VK for Android"* app scope (Optional[Union[str, int]]): Access rights you need. Can be passed comma-separated list of scopes, or bitmask sum all of them (see `official documentation <>`__). Defaults to 'offline' **kwargs (any): Additional parameters, which will be passed to each request. The most useful is `v` - API version and `lang` - language of responses (see :ref:`documentation <Making API request>`) Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import vk >>> api = vk.DirectUserAPI( ... user_login='...', ... user_password='...', ... scope='offline,wall', ... v='5.131' ... ) >>> print(api.users.get(user_ids=1)) [{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров', ... }] """ LOGIN_URL = '' AUTHORIZE_URL = '' def __init__( self, user_login=None, user_password=None, client_id=2274003, client_secret='hHbZxrka2uZ6jB1inYsH', scope='offline', **kwargs ): self.user_login = user_login self.user_password = user_password self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.scope = scope API.__init__(self, self.get_access_token(), **kwargs) def login(self, auth_session): # noqa: U100 return True def _get_auth_params(self): return { 'grant_type': 'password', 'client_id': self.client_id, 'client_secret': self.client_secret, 'username': self.user_login, 'password': self.user_password, 'scope': self.scope, '2fa_supported': 1 } def authorize(self, auth_session): logger.debug('Start of the OAuth authorization process') auth_response =, self._get_auth_params()) response_params = auth_response.json() if 'error' in response_params: if response_params['error'] == 'need_validation': return self.auth_check_is_needed(auth_session, response_params) if response_params['error'] == 'need_captcha': return self.auth_captcha_is_needed(auth_session, response_params) self._oauth_is_request_success(auth_response) logger.debug('Successfully authorized') return response_params['access_token'] def auth_check_is_needed(self, auth_session, response_params): validation_page_response = auth_session.get(response_params['redirect_uri']) url_queries = self._get_url_queries(validation_page_response.url) # Resend auth check code until it's correct while url_queries.get('act') == 'authcheck': logger.debug('Auth check is needed') validation_action_url = self.LOGIN_URL + self._get_form_action(validation_page_response) auth_check_code = self.get_auth_check_code() validation_response =, {'code': auth_check_code}) url_queries = self._get_url_queries(validation_response.url) # CAPTCHA input required, resend until it's correct while url_queries.get('act') == 'authcheck_code': logger.debug('Auth captcha is needed (during 2FA)') captcha_action_url = self.LOGIN_URL + self._get_form_action(validation_page_response) captcha_error = self._get_auth_captcha_error( *self._get_auth_captcha_data(validation_page_response) ) captcha_check_response =, { 'code': auth_check_code, 'captcha_sid': captcha_error.captcha_sid, 'captcha_key': self.get_captcha_key(captcha_error) }) url_queries = self._get_url_queries(captcha_check_response.url) return self._process_auth_url_queries(url_queries) def auth_captcha_is_needed(self, auth_session, response_params): while response_params.get('error') == 'need_captcha': logger.debug('Auth captcha is needed') captcha_error = self._get_auth_captcha_error( response_params['captcha_sid'], response_params['captcha_img'] ) response_params = self.AUTHORIZE_URL, params={ 'captcha_sid': captcha_error.captcha_sid, 'captcha_img': self.get_captcha_key(captcha_error), **self._get_auth_params() } ).json() return response_params['access_token'] def _process_auth_url_queries(self, url_queries): if 'fail' in url_queries: logger.error('Unknown OAuth authorization error (during 2FA). URL queries = %s.', url_queries) raise VkAuthError('OAuth authorization failed') self.user_id = url_queries.get('user_id') return url_queries['access_token']
[docs]class CommunityAPI(UserAPI): """Subclass of :class:`vk.session.UserAPI`. Can get community access token using user credentials (`Implicit flow authorization for communities <>`__). To select a community on behalf of which to make request to the API method, you can pass the **group_id** param (defaults to the first community from the passed list) Warning: This implementation uses the web version of VK to log in and receive cookies, and then obtains an access tokens through Implicit flow authorization for communities. In the future, VK may change the approach to authorization (for example, replace it with `VK ID <>`__) and maintaining operability will become quite a difficult task, and most likely it will be **deprecated**. You can create a group token on the management page: Community -> Management -> Working with API -> Access Tokens -> Create a token (bonus - the token has no expiration date) Args: user_login (Optional[str]): User login, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` user_password (Optional[str]): User password, optional when using :class:`InteractiveMixin` group_ids (List[int]): List of community IDs to be authorized client_id (Optional[int]): ID of the application to authorize with, defaults to "VK Admin" app ID scope (Optional[Union[str, int]]): Access rights you need. Can be passed comma-separated list of scopes, or bitmask sum all of them (see `official documentation <>`__). Defaults to ``None``. **Be careful**, only *manage*, *messages*, *photos*, *docs*, *wall* and *stories* are available for communities **kwargs (any): Additional parameters, which will be passed to each request. The most useful is `v` - API version and `lang` - language of responses (see :ref:`documentation <Making API request>`) Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import vk >>> api = vk.CommunityAPI( ... user_login='...', ... user_password='...', ... group_ids=[123456, 654321], ... scope='messages', ... v='5.131' ... ) >>> print(api.users.get(user_ids=1)) [{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров', ... }] >>> print(api.users.get(group_id=654321, user_ids=1)) [{'id': 1, 'first_name': 'Павел', 'last_name': 'Дуров', ... }] """ def __init__( self, user_login=None, user_password=None, group_ids=None, client_id=6121396, scope=None, **kwargs ): self.group_ids = group_ids self.default_group_id = None self.access_tokens = {} super().__init__(user_login, user_password, client_id, scope, **kwargs) def get_auth_params(self): auth_params = super().get_auth_params() auth_params['group_ids'] = stringify(self.group_ids) return auth_params def _process_auth_url_queries(self, url_queries): self.access_tokens = {} for key, value in url_queries.items(): # access_token_GROUP-ID: ACCESS-TOKEN if key.startswith('access_token_'): group_id = int(key[len('access_token_'):]) self.access_tokens[group_id] = value self.default_group_id = self.group_ids[0] def prepare_request(self, request): group_id = request.method_params.get('group_id', self.default_group_id) request.method_params.setdefault('access_token', self.access_tokens[group_id])
[docs]class InteractiveMixin: """Mixin that receives the necessary data from the console Example: .. code-block:: python import vk from vk.session import InteractiveMixin class API(InteractiveMixin, vk.API): pass api = API() # The input will appear: `VK API access token: ` """ def __setattr__(self, name, value): attrs = dir(self.__class__) if name in attrs and not value: return if name in filter(lambda x: isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, x), property), attrs): return object.__setattr__(self, '_cached_' + name, value) return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @property def user_login(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cached_user_login'): self._cached_user_login = input('VK user login: ') return self._cached_user_login @property def user_password(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cached_user_password'): self._cached_user_password = getpass.getpass('VK user password: ') return self._cached_user_password @property def access_token(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cached_access_token'): self._cached_access_token = input('VK API access token: ') return self._cached_access_token def get_captcha_key(self, api_error): """ Read CAPTCHA key from shell """ print('Open CAPTCHA image url: ', api_error.captcha_img) return input('Enter CAPTCHA key: ') def get_auth_check_code(self): """ Read Auth code from shell """ return input('Auth check code: ')