
This section will be useful for first-time contributors

Setup environment

For setup/build/test we use tox, so you need to install it first

git clone
cd vk

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install tox

To prevent unformatted code from commit, we recommend adding a pre-commit hook or execute tox -e fix yourself before each commit

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Tox targets

tox             # To run tests
tox -e docs     # To build documentation
tox -e fix      # To format files


Since some test suites use real calls to the VK API, you should create the necessary data for this and save it as environment variables. Also don’t forget to add them to your repository secrets



How to get


Access token for VK API. We reccomend to use community token, because it doesn’t have an expiration date

Create your community, go to its settings (API section), create API key with messages scopes


Login from the VK account. For rare tests, you can use your account, otherwise we recommend to register a test one



Password from the VK account. For rare tests, you can use your account, otherwise we recommend to register a test one



IDs of communities in which you have admin rights

Create N your communities, copy their IDs and pass it to env var as comma-separated list


It’s very useful for the module’s debug to include logs to better understand what is happening

import vk
import logging
