
API method request example

Get user info with user id equal to 1.

>>> import vk
>>> session = vk.Session()
>>> api = vk.API(session)
>>> api.users.get(user_ids=1)
[{'first_name': 'Pavel', 'last_name': 'Durov', 'id': 1}]

vk.API class object is used to create API request and send it via vk.Session class object. Session object is used by API object to manage access token, send API request, get JSON response, parse and return it.

API object api attribute getting defines API method name. Call of gotten method sends request and returns parsed JSON response. Keyword args becomes specified method params.

This example will send POST request to with “user_ids=1” query string.


vk.API gets Session or subclass object as first argument, **kwargs as API method default args and timeout kwarg. See for full list of common args. The most useful is v - API version and lang - language of responses.

All API methods that can be called from server should be supported. See for detailed API help.

session = vk.Session()
api = vk.API(session, v='5.35', lang='ru', timeout=10)


vk.Session gets optional access_token argument. It will send access token with every API request after first “Autorization failed” error. Session class can use only ready access token and raises error if can’t get it.

session = vk.Session(access_token='5ecre7')
api = vk.API(session)


It’s vk.Session subclass. Can get access token using app id and user credentials.

session = vk.AuthSession(app_id='appid', user_login='', user_password='Finn')
api = vk.API(session)